Anam Cara | Anam Cara Farm and Learning CenterAnam Cara Farm and Learning Center

Anam Cara


In 2007 Carla and Steve shared a dream of living on the land.  Busy with their professional careers the quest took two dynamic years of exploring the region for the perfect setting. They fine tuned their wants and needs, entertained seemingly impossible dreams, and envisioned how a philosophy of living in reverential harmony with all living beings could manifest. In April 2009 serendipity met fate and they found Anam Cara.

It is said that when you are blessed with an Anam Cara … you have arrived at that most sacred place: home.* When Carla and Steve came upon the quiet and peaceful acreage surrounded by aged maples and cedars they knew they had found their sanctuary. With the addition of six horses (two miniature horses), three sheep, four cats, and two dogs, they knew they had found their farm.

Join us for regular posts on the lives and adventures of both the four and two legged members of the Webb-Kennedy family.


John O’Donahue, Irish poet, philosopher and scholar


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