Equine Programs | Anam Cara Farm and Learning CenterAnam Cara Farm and Learning Center

Equine Programs

Anam Cara Farm and Learning Center is host to Unbridled Potential,  Empowered By Horses, and the new Standing Six Programs.  With a philosophy founded on equine knowledge and herd dynamics these experiential programs heal, empower and enliven children and youth of all ages.

Whether you are new to partnering with horses or have been riding for years, all of Unbridled Potential and Empowered By Horses’ teachings are grounded in the practice of heart-centered leadership.  Create the life that you have imagined through embracing your internal power, connecting with heart wisdom and celebrating the YOU that will lead the way.

Unbridled Potential programs are designed for adult women who are drawn to partner with horses and have the desire to live heart centered lives. Horse experience is not necessary for many of Unbridled Potential programs and workshops.

Empowered By Horses programs are similar to Unbridled Potential programs but are designed for children and youth under the age of nineteen and follow the same philosophy of heart centered leadership .  Empowered By Horses also offers custom programs for families and not for profit organizations working with children and youth.


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